A free socialization program for seniors
Free coffee and snack at local coffee shop
Chat with volunteers
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About Coffee with Seniors
We at Steams are proud of our project "Coffee with Seniors" at local coffee shops.
Coffee with Seniors is a great way to meet and interact with other members of the community. It's a safe and welcoming enviroment for all those that choose to attend.
Older adults who interact with people beyond their usual social circle of family and close friends are more likely to have higher levels of physical activity, greater positive moods, and fewer negative feelings, according to a 2019 study in The Journals of Gerontology, Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences.
Contact Streams directly to learn more about this free project for seniors in our community. Send requests on Facebook messanger or by email
We are pleased to announce
Coffee with Seniors Library Social
at Multipurpose Room FVRL - Sardis Library 11am Every First Saturday of the month starting from February 3rd. This is an addition to our regular meet ups.
"Coffee with Seniors" is a free socialization community based project and everyone is welcome to join. No need to register if you are already registered for Coffee with Seniors program.
Three easy ways to register if that's your first time:
Email at streamsfoundationcanada@gmail.com OR
Message of Facebook Messanger OR
Message at 778-772-2203.
Community partners for this project:
Tim Hortons (Sardis).
Chartwell Retirement Residences - Chilliwack
Hi Neighbour Sardis Community Initiative by United Way.
Good Cure Pharmacy - Medical Clinic
Three ways to Register
All the Seniors & Volunteers who have already registered for this program do not have to apply again. Once registered, you will receive email updates about upcoming meet ups and events pertaining to this program.